Category: tom hardy

Focus Features – For Your Consideration – “Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy”

Tom Hardy 
Gary Oldman

Tom Hardy

Gary Oldman, John Hurt, Tomas Alfredson, & Hoyte Van Hoytema

Mark Strong

Svetlana Khodchenkova

Colin Firth

Svetlana Khodchenkova

Benedict Cumberbatch
[Films I Want to See.] ❤
*Edit: Just saw Young Adult today! 12/16/2011*

Obviously, I want to see many.  I love film…
But, these two I have been HIGHLY anticipating the past few months^
I will absolutely be seeing Tinker on Dec 9 — kind of hope I get around to reading the book first over the next few days…<3
[ok, yes, I realize I’m only posting pics of one actor/Tom Hardy from TTSS, my apologies.  ]

Queen Theron & [awesome – ] director Jason Reitman ❤

I didn’t realize until last night that Elizabeth Reeser plays Buddy Slade’s [Patrick Wilson] wife — god, I am even MORE excited now.

I can’t get over this clip.  Ive watched it about 10 times in the past hour, and still laugh at everything Charlize does.

And these freaking kill me, too.


And just in case you haven’t seen the trailer: