This drug really did save my life.  Un-doubtedly.
I owe so much of my current state of mind right now to this medicine.
When I cut cold turkey from smoking, i cut hard.
I was shaking constantly for 4 days, crying hysterically all night when i was in bed and couldn’t get to sleep no matter how many sleeping pills i took,
and i thought this would all go away after  4 days.
10 days later my heart was still beating so hard 24/7 that i felt like i had drank 10 cups of coffee [and i hadn’t even been drinking caffeine this whole time.]

After i couldn’t sleep ONE WINK from days 7-10, i literally felt like i was about to explode.  I already felt like i was about to physically die during the 4 day withdrawal, but now i just felt like i was either going to throw myself out of a 10 story building window to stop the physical pain *OK I WASN’T REALLY THINKING ABOUT THAT* or i was going to go back to smoking.
OK i was only thinking about going back to smoking, because i just couldn’t take the physical pain anymore.  Feeling like you’re on a brink of a heart attack 24/7 no matter what you do, what vitamins you take, how much exercise you exert, and still feeling like your heart’s pumping out of your chest is one of the most horrible feelings in the world.  You. have. no. control.

So i went to the doctor, he gave me a week’s worth of valium to calm my nerves, said my heart rate was very high made me do the EKG scans, and i begged him for Chantix because i know a few people who had cut cold turkey tons of times and it wasn’t until they used Chantix along with it that they permanently stayed off the nicotine.

It’s my 18th day off of cigs, and my 8th day on Chantix. 🙂

It’s helped me so incredibly much.  The valium was a lifesaver for the first week when it came to sleep and certain times a day when the intense chest-anxiety would pop in with my heart [OUT of the blue also] but now i dont need it at all, and ive noticed miraculous results with myself from the Chantix.

This works!

Ok bad side effects that my doc warned me about//said they were the main reason people ended up giving up on it {quitters! kidding. }

  • very weird dreams
  • some stomach nausea
  • light dizziness
  • and it makes u tired.
i was like are u kidding me? i can deal with that shat, im going through hell!! those side effects are nothing compared to what im dealing with right now! * i was dealing with a lot more than the heart problems but didn’t want to make this post super long and list them all.*
OK SO..HE WAS RIGHT. THE DREAMS ARE VERY VERY DIFFICULT.  you never feel like you’re resting when you’re asleep.  you feel like you’re going through intense daily activities, very VERy weird ones and usually ones that are in your deep subconscious fears.  BUT ITS OK, it’s worth it for quitting smoking!  
Being tired, I am very tired right now.  I just took my pill, it hits you like a brick wall. But you can defeat that!  TAKE A NAP!  People are supposed to take atleast one 20 min nap a day anyways!  Health wise, you need it!  Your brain needs it!
Also, i combat it with caffeine via healthy low cal sweet tea.
Anyways just want to say, i praise this thing.  I praise it so much, and if you’re at the point of desperation like i was, do it.  I had to pay $200 out of packet for only one month supply tho which really sucked a** but I know, just from the 8th day, and how i’m doing so far, that i won’t need it for more than a month anyways.
If you have any questions about this, leave a comment or email me! xox