Category: steve mcqueen

Michael Fassbender & Steve McQueen
Video is from this site.
I haven’t been posting much Fass lately, and I know he’s the main reason you guys even look at my blogs…*QUIET SIGH* no its great, I’m just kidding.
Sort of.  
Ok but in all seriousness, here’s an interview of Fassy & Steve for Shame.
[The interviewer is Irish as well, ahhhh the accent    <3]

  • Variety is doing something i am TRULY in love with….
    • [trying to make this post as quickly as possible so I can run to this page below and finish reading all of the articles]

  • here, James Franco talks about Michael Fassbender’s performance in ‘Shame’ 
[click on photo for the full size.] 

Woo woo!  Finally has a rating.  *Even though we all knew that it would be NC-17*
AND a website.  Such a proud Fassy Fan.<3

Here [below] are both the new trailer & the new clip from Steve McQueen’s Shame
Here is the website

And also, some nomination-news in the below screencap *click on it to read the full article*

First official Shame trailer has been released today !
Absolutely beautiful, cannot wait to see the film.

Also, Emily Browning’s Sleeping Beauty is released today, but of course, none of the independent theaters nearby my house have it right now …*anger* so I’ll have to wait.  Impatiently.

Little update on my personal life:  I’ve finally switched to Filmmaking for my certification program.  I can’t even remember the last time in my life i was so completely and devastatingly happy. 🙂

Have a happy Friday!

Just released film-stills of Michael Fassbender [& Carrie Mulligan, etc] in Steve McQueen’s Hunger
Oh god its going to be so good, i can’t even stand the wait.

photos are from

[click “Read More” to see the FULL set!] gah, enjoy! eka;htwelkhawlekt ❤

|| CLICK on each photo to view the FULL/original size/HQ photo || 😀

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so proud of him. just want to give him tons of hugs and kisses on the forehead.

[my gifs] ❤

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Here are parts of the article i clipped out that mention the info on his films being included for the Toronto Film Fest [ohhh, how i would absolutely die if i had a chance to be there]
Music docs on U2 and Pearl Jam
 and the latest offerings from David Cronenberg, Alexander Payne and
 Francis Ford Coppola are among titles set for the Toronto Film Festival, 
which will announce still more premieres next week.

Venice-bound pics receiving Gala North American preems include 
George Clooney-helmed presidential primary suspenser “The Ides of March” (Sony);
Toronto helmer Cronenberg’s Freud-vs.-Jung psychological thriller
 “A Dangerous Method” (Sony Pictures Classics); 
and Madonna’s romance-driven “W.E.” (TWC)

William Friedkin’s crime thriller “Killer Joe” will receive its
 North American preem in Special Presentations, as will
Ralph Fiennes’ “Coriolanus” (TWC), Todd Solondz’s “Dark Horse,” 
Lars von Trier’s “Melancholia” (Magnolia),
Steve McQueen’s “Shame,”

The festival runs Sept. 8-18 ….
my fangirl’ing response to this beautiful news:  steve mcqueen’s hunger was
 absolutely devastatingly good.  and michael did an absolutely breathtaking
 [and really painful emotionally to watch] performance in it, 
so i’m soooo pumped to see them collaborate again, this time for “Shame.”
The script sounds SO original, so interesting. 
[i could go on forever on this one but will save you the pain]

|| Steve Mcqueen = genius director ||
|| Michael Fassbender = genius actor ||

Fassy as Bobby Sands – Hunger]

And as for Cronenberg’s ‘A Dangerous Method’, oh god i cant even explain to you
 how intensely thrilled i am to see this.  I have always been intrigued by
 Freud/read his biographies/etc, and have [for a few years now] loved reading
 Carl Jung’s quotes/get so much inspiration from them and can totally connect
 to his logical and down-to-earth / brilliant insight – and i am so pleased
 to see Cronenberg [who is an absolutely AWESOME director;
 Eastern Promises…& Viggo Mortensen, always on point.  
 AND ALSO: Vincent Cassel…[who will be in A Dangerous Method as well] 
Dayyyum, son.  all these actors combined with the sexy devil and Keria Knightley,
  i get such major goosebumps just watching the trailer.
 — Freud [Viggo] ||Carl Jung [Michael]  || Sabrina Spielrein [Keira] —

And on top of that…Michael and Keiras romantic-scenes.
I think…i don’t even want to start talking about it because my body will be on fire for…ever.