Category: sexy sassy fassy sex bomb

I guess creating meaningless little fun to look at *because fass is always fun to look at…and torturous to look at also* *fake cries* gifs/graphics/whatever of him, even though i look like a freak, *i do this for other artists i love/movies/etc — so no i dont LITERALLY revolve my life around this man ive never met, even though i do a good job acting as though i do*

Well i guess i make them because well i love making graphics for many things i adore, i love making graphics, creating art in general.

But mostly lately, sassy fassy gifs. *sigh*

This is the best i can do until i finally actually meet him and hopefully get to hold a conversation with him longer than 2 min on some curbside or something, like an actual sit down convo that would be lovely.
Ok i’m kind of disgusting myself by writing this publically online, anywho, i thought id post some of my gifs just for fun.  For other fans.
Blahblahblah, enjoy.

sex, now, please?

Got this little ask-box-message today on tumblr:

So, just want to let you know you sassy-sex-bomb that i got yo back yo, all duh way.
*even though i know the chances of you reading this are probaboly .00001%, but just in case, just want to know there’s this 21 year old girl in Virginia that adores you and got chow back fo-evs.
Much love/kisses/groping…

-sassyholly xox