Just read this muy interesante article online called 
“10 Unusual Fetishes That Some Call Sexy But I Call Yuck”
I, personally, find it EXTREMELY fascinating.  But then again i’m extremely fascinated with everything related to psychology/the human mind/etc, so…maybe its just me who loved reading this
But i did learn a few new words.
And was caught off-guard when i saw a word that seemed to label ME as well:
  • Gerontophilia: A sexual preference for someone who is older or even elderly.
    • and why does this concern me, you ask? 
    • THAT IS ALL.
  • No, but seriously…
  • ok so michael’s 15 years older than me, so does that mean i have a FETISH now? since that is a significant amount of years i guess *sigh* for an age difference…so we call this, gerontophilia?
    HILARIOUS — because i can totally see it, but ONLY with him.
    *i think my favorite is the licking of the eyeball though, either that or the diapers.
    ||*and if any of you guys actually really do deal with any of these i would absolutely love it if you messaged/or emailed me/etc and tell me about it — because i find these things [‘these things’ meaning anything psychology related and ESPECIALLY sexuality-related] insanely intriguing.  
    ❤ ❤