Category: sassyholly

“I chose not to choose life.  And the reasons?  There are no reasons.  Who  needs reasons when you’ve got Heroin?”

[click on each pic to see the full size photo.]

This song got me through a lot of studying today

And the lyrics, i love so hard.  The music.  His voice.  The End.

New favorite! *Kind of embarrassed that I hadn’t heard this one before!*
Goodnight guys, ❤

I’ve missed my little corner of the creative/digitalized/universe!
[Even though, if i’m not posting on here, i’m almost ALWAYS posting on my tumblr: ]

But anyways.  Started up my Graphic Design & Web Development Program again a couple weeks ago at CDIA BU [Boston University’s Center for Digital Imaging Arts] in Georgetown, D.C.
which = waking up at 5 am Monday through Friday, driving to the metro 20 minutes away from my house, then getting on that metro train and going into D.C., then once I land in D.C. I take the Foggy Bottom metro-bus down a few blocks to my street, M & 30th, and then down that street is eventually my building, basically on the water.  I can’t complain.  Then class begins at 8:30 am and proceeds until a 1 hour lunch break from 12-1pm, then class resumes until 430pm, then i repeat the whole bus – metro – car – home process and arrive home around 630 at night, exhausted and ready to sleep forever

Ahah so yeah I thought it was time that since my student life is starting back up, I would actually keep my blog mostly revolved around my actual life.  I haven’t done that yet on THIS blog yet *only on my tumblr* so i thought i would get that little introduction-to-my-32 hour- class – week – paragraph out of the way 😉 😉

I did cut my hair a couple of weeks ago 😀  *Was because of a complication from my car accident, I had to go on bed rest from the severe internal bruising for about a month altogether, which was also the reason I had to drop out last semester of Graphic/Web Design courses, and could barely get out of bed just to use the potty and shower, that by the time i got out of the shower i would lightly and quickly brush my hair and wrap it back up in a ballet bun on top of my head.  LONG STORY SHORT…when you do this for almost 4 complete weeks, you get a disgusting and horrifying knot that even weighs you down mentally and emotionally every day.  You feel like trash, like a rabid dog.  Because there is obviously a big ol knotted bun on your head which also could look as if you took out dread locks you had had for 5 years and just wrapped them in a bun for now until you freed them out again.

Anyways, long story short, my mother just cut it off for me.  I’ll post a picture of the length my hair has generally always been since i was about 10 years on up until my 20th year now, and then the cut I had to get to compensate for the ALMOST-bald spot i had on the back/upper/corner of my head from where my mother’s scissors shed no mercy.

I ended up loving the haircut, and it has really revived me in a lot of ways recently.  Freeing me of a lot of old insecurities i had wrapped up in a certain appearance over the years, i was always terrified of ever having to get a short cut because, even though i always secretly wanted one because i LOVE them on other women, i thought i would look horrid/beastly — i literally started tearing up after my hairdresser finished *who i had tracked down online at a local mall, and she gave me the best hair cut i have ever received in my entire life* at Zoe’s Hair & Day Salon at my local mall — so i thought i would throw this big change in here too with a photo to make this intro post a little bit more complete for this moment in my life
  *Ps I don’t have any good photos of myself yet with the cut, only a couple i took super quickly just to show the cut/& took them myself so don’t judge me TOO hard ;D *

*edit: switched from the Full Time Graphic & Web Design program last week to the part time Filmmaking program *i still love graphic & web design, but realized that for a permanent career film is the only thing I can do that I have & always will 110% love — i really really adore graphic & web design but realized that once i was in class/and was looking at it all from a corporate point of view/work point of view, i could barely make myself get out of bed to go to class every day because my passion vanished — so i will of course keep doing it for fun*<3

So, ive seen these interviews several times, ok ive seen all the first class videos several times ok this is what this fandom does to you, BUT someone on tumblr finally made a post with the gifs of when Fassy mentions wanting a tail in his different interviews
And these are literally probably my favorite parts out of all of them *I KNOW, THATS DRASTIC, BECAUSE ALMOST EVERY INTERVIEW IS BASICALLY HILARIOUS.* BUT ITS THE TRUTH*

—> i can’t even describe to you my feelings on how adorable he is.

Here’s a screencap i took of my blog [] with the post.

[the post[gifs]on tumblr were originally made by:]

I guess creating meaningless little fun to look at *because fass is always fun to look at…and torturous to look at also* *fake cries* gifs/graphics/whatever of him, even though i look like a freak, *i do this for other artists i love/movies/etc — so no i dont LITERALLY revolve my life around this man ive never met, even though i do a good job acting as though i do*

Well i guess i make them because well i love making graphics for many things i adore, i love making graphics, creating art in general.

But mostly lately, sassy fassy gifs. *sigh*

This is the best i can do until i finally actually meet him and hopefully get to hold a conversation with him longer than 2 min on some curbside or something, like an actual sit down convo that would be lovely.
Ok i’m kind of disgusting myself by writing this publically online, anywho, i thought id post some of my gifs just for fun.  For other fans.
Blahblahblah, enjoy.

sex, now, please?

Recently posted some of the Jane Eyre 2011 deleted scenes which will be released as part of the bonus features on the DvD released on August 16th 🙂

Here they are on my YouTube account: Hacsince1991
[and posted below.]

|| **DO NOT DOWNLOAD AND UPLOAD MY VIDEOS ONTO YOUR OWN ACCOUNTS//YOUTUBE//OTHER VIDEO SITES//ETC** || If you wish to post the links on your webpage that is totally fine, but otherwise, taking someone’s own work and uploading as your own is called stealing.  Thank you.||

Hope you guys enjoyed the film and the deleted scenes as much as I did!! 🙂

Feel free to leave comments//discuss your opinions on it!!