Category: sassy holly loves sassy fassy

Yay!!  So excited…for this movie.  Really hope that I will be able to go to the NY Film Fest to watch ADM and Shame! 🙂

*Fassy is so adorable in the first.  I swear, if he walked into my room saying ‘I’m back!’ i would be jumping into his arms within .5 seconds of his arrival*


Just read this muy interesante article online called 
“10 Unusual Fetishes That Some Call Sexy But I Call Yuck”
I, personally, find it EXTREMELY fascinating.  But then again i’m extremely fascinated with everything related to psychology/the human mind/etc, so…maybe its just me who loved reading this
But i did learn a few new words.
And was caught off-guard when i saw a word that seemed to label ME as well:
  • Gerontophilia: A sexual preference for someone who is older or even elderly.
    • and why does this concern me, you ask? 
    • THAT IS ALL.
  • No, but seriously…
  • ok so michael’s 15 years older than me, so does that mean i have a FETISH now? since that is a significant amount of years i guess *sigh* for an age difference…so we call this, gerontophilia?
    HILARIOUS — because i can totally see it, but ONLY with him.
    *i think my favorite is the licking of the eyeball though, either that or the diapers.
    ||*and if any of you guys actually really do deal with any of these i would absolutely love it if you messaged/or emailed me/etc and tell me about it — because i find these things [‘these things’ meaning anything psychology related and ESPECIALLY sexuality-related] insanely intriguing.  
    ❤ ❤

So, ive seen these interviews several times, ok ive seen all the first class videos several times ok this is what this fandom does to you, BUT someone on tumblr finally made a post with the gifs of when Fassy mentions wanting a tail in his different interviews
And these are literally probably my favorite parts out of all of them *I KNOW, THATS DRASTIC, BECAUSE ALMOST EVERY INTERVIEW IS BASICALLY HILARIOUS.* BUT ITS THE TRUTH*

—> i can’t even describe to you my feelings on how adorable he is.

Here’s a screencap i took of my blog [] with the post.

[the post[gifs]on tumblr were originally made by:]

from this blog[clicky]

i love me james mcavoy, and i love me sassy fassy.
combined in my favorite type of art…pop art….
= heaven.