Sometimes I go on Twitter…[i know, i’m such a weirdo, right?]
And I see things…[again, so weird, right?]
And so here are some of these random pointless things I like to archive for fun.

[if you see screen caps on these posts with colorful circles/text—> that means I took that screenshot then added my thoughts on top of it.  Aka, why am i explaining this i am too tired, goodbye]

And then I tried to send a message to Victoria Beckham just because I thought I could/even though I knew she would never respond, and then i got this:

and now i’m about to X out of Twitter for about 10 years, because I usually can’t STAND being on there or even glancing/seeing celebs tweets on it–drives me insane because I actually consider them NORMAL people [weird, i know right?] and I really despise most social networking sites.
Anyways, Holly’s tired and hungry and cranky and gets crankier when she’s doing pointless things online on her new mac/because she’s trying to teach herself how to do things on it/and ends up making pointless posts.

HOPE YALLS HAVE A FUN NEW YEAR. going to go work on something creative now that i love , goodbye!<3
xx, sassyh

**one good thing DID come out of this though.  I will be making a Favorite Movie(s) Post: Romy & Michelle’s Highschool Reunion — in the near future. bwahah**