Category: movie posters

I already posted the trailer when it was released *was that a few weeks ago now? Can’t remember…i feel like my memory becomes extremely blurred over the ‘holiday’ breaks.*

But forgot to post the photos that were released/you might have seen in your copy of Entertainment Weekly already….

[movie info below is from]

Prometheus (2012)


Action / Horror / Sci-Fi

Plot outline 

A team of explorers discover a clue to the origins of mankind on Earth, leading them on a journey to the darkest corners of the universe. There, they must fight a terrifying battle to save the future of the human race.

Still of Logan Marshall Green, Noomi Rapace, & Michael Fassbender

[Director] Ridley Scott & Noomi Rapace

Kate Dickie, Noomi Rapace & Michael Fassbender

As I type this blog entry tonight, I am still sniffling/eyes are sore from crying my eyes out at this movie — I had watched parts of it when I was around my family, probably around the age of 5 or so, and then when i was 12/13 had been assigned to read it in my middle school English class [where we basically did an in-depth analysis of every line/that was the beginning of “annotations” for me in school] — and I think I had seen a couple of clips that were shown in class as we were going through the book, but since then…[please excuse this extremely LONG run-on sentence.] I hadn’t watched it…until now.

Wow, all of these feelings, all over my heart.  Definitely one of the best movies I have ever seen.  Up there with Gone with the Wind…anyways…trying to recover here.

God, that is a beautiful film, the kind of beautiful that can be happy, funny, sweet, and horribly heart wrenching/make you cry like a baby *ex:  me.*
Anyways, here are some things.  ❤
[pictures, quotes, etc…you know the drill.]
The following info is from IMDB
The movie is based on a novel by Harper Lee, who interestingly enough was the assistant to Truman Capote when he did the research for the book “In Cold Blood.”

The story is told through the eyes of six-year-old Scout (Mary Badham), a feisty young girl who lives in a small Alabama town with her older brother, Jem (Philip Alford) and their widower father, Atticus Finch (Gregory Peck).

Directed by
  Robert Mulligan 

  Novel “To Kill a Mockingbird”
   Harper Lee
   Horton Foote

  Alan J. Pakula … producer 

Cast – in credits order  
  Gregory Peck … Atticus Finch
  John Megna … Dill Harris
  Frank Overton … Sheriff Heck Tate
  Rosemary Murphy … Maudie Atkinson
  Ruth White … Mrs. Dubose
  Brock Peters … Tom Robinson
  Estelle Evans … Calpurnia
  Paul Fix … Judge Taylor
  Collin Wilcox¹ … Mayella Violet Ewell
  James Anderson … Bob Ewell
  Alice Ghostley … Aunt Stephanie Crawford
  Robert Duvall … Boo Radley
  William Windom … Mr. Gilmer – Prosecutor
  Crahan Denton … Walter Cunningham Sr.
  Richard Hale … Nathan Radley
  Mary Badham … Scout
  Phillip Alford … Jem

Gregory Peck & Mary Badham

Gregory Peck & Harper Lee

Gregory Peck & Mary Badham

Phillip Alford & Mary Badham

Mary Badham & Gregory Peck

Gregory Peck

Gregory Peck

Mary Badham & [director] Robert Mulligan

Mary Badham & Gregory Peck

Phillip Alford, Gregory Peck, & Mary Badham

Mary Badham

[Director] Robert Mulligan

Gregory Peck

Gregory Peck and Brock Peters


^ Current IMDB MovieMeter rank: 17 ^

[click on photo for the full size.]