Category: james mcavoy

I’ve made a bunch of screencaps from the Blu Ray of X-Men: First Class – Behind the Scenes footage — it was so amazing watching all the material, so i wanted to share a bit of it with you guys until you get to see it. ❤
There is a lot of footage, so I will be posting a few different times to get them all out on my blog, so here is what i’ve done so far — and will have the rest up tomorrow 🙂
Click on “Read More” Under the photo to view full album

So, ive seen these interviews several times, ok ive seen all the first class videos several times ok this is what this fandom does to you, BUT someone on tumblr finally made a post with the gifs of when Fassy mentions wanting a tail in his different interviews
And these are literally probably my favorite parts out of all of them *I KNOW, THATS DRASTIC, BECAUSE ALMOST EVERY INTERVIEW IS BASICALLY HILARIOUS.* BUT ITS THE TRUTH*

—> i can’t even describe to you my feelings on how adorable he is.

Here’s a screencap i took of my blog [] with the post.

[the post[gifs]on tumblr were originally made by:]

from this blog[clicky]

i love me james mcavoy, and i love me sassy fassy.
combined in my favorite type of art…pop art….
= heaven.

A fun little James Mcavoy & the sassy-Fassy in a little video compilation i created a month or so ago

  • Clips of James from: Becoming Jane, Penelope, Wanted
  • Clips of delicious Fassy from: Wedding Belles *yes, he’s dancing.*, Fish Tank *yes, he’s dancing.*, and Inglourious Basterds
  • Enjoy! 😉  And if you enjoy, please subscribe m’loves!  Take care! xox

*listed from newest-oldest*
*Once again, do NOT download and then upload these videos on to your youtube accounts, etc. that is stealing.
*If you’d like to LINK my videos to your pages, that is totally fine!!  Very nice actually! 🙂
*Hope you enjoy!

||ooo! and pwease watch in H.D. ❤ ||

just…had to make this one