I’ve missed my little corner of the creative/digitalized/universe!
[Even though, if i’m not posting on here, i’m almost ALWAYS posting on my tumblr: http://tumblr.sassyholly.com ]

But anyways.  Started up my Graphic Design & Web Development Program again a couple weeks ago at CDIA BU [Boston University’s Center for Digital Imaging Arts] in Georgetown, D.C.
which = waking up at 5 am Monday through Friday, driving to the metro 20 minutes away from my house, then getting on that metro train and going into D.C., then once I land in D.C. I take the Foggy Bottom metro-bus down a few blocks to my street, M & 30th, and then down that street is eventually my building, basically on the water.  I can’t complain.  Then class begins at 8:30 am and proceeds until a 1 hour lunch break from 12-1pm, then class resumes until 430pm, then i repeat the whole bus – metro – car – home process and arrive home around 630 at night, exhausted and ready to sleep forever

Ahah so yeah I thought it was time that since my student life is starting back up, I would actually keep my blog mostly revolved around my actual life.  I haven’t done that yet on THIS blog yet *only on my tumblr* so i thought i would get that little introduction-to-my-32 hour- class – week – paragraph out of the way 😉 😉

I did cut my hair a couple of weeks ago 😀  *Was because of a complication from my car accident, I had to go on bed rest from the severe internal bruising for about a month altogether, which was also the reason I had to drop out last semester of Graphic/Web Design courses, and could barely get out of bed just to use the potty and shower, that by the time i got out of the shower i would lightly and quickly brush my hair and wrap it back up in a ballet bun on top of my head.  LONG STORY SHORT…when you do this for almost 4 complete weeks, you get a disgusting and horrifying knot that even weighs you down mentally and emotionally every day.  You feel like trash, like a rabid dog.  Because there is obviously a big ol knotted bun on your head which also could look as if you took out dread locks you had had for 5 years and just wrapped them in a bun for now until you freed them out again.

Anyways, long story short, my mother just cut it off for me.  I’ll post a picture of the length my hair has generally always been since i was about 10 years on up until my 20th year now, and then the cut I had to get to compensate for the ALMOST-bald spot i had on the back/upper/corner of my head from where my mother’s scissors shed no mercy.

I ended up loving the haircut, and it has really revived me in a lot of ways recently.  Freeing me of a lot of old insecurities i had wrapped up in a certain appearance over the years, i was always terrified of ever having to get a short cut because, even though i always secretly wanted one because i LOVE them on other women, i thought i would look horrid/beastly — i literally started tearing up after my hairdresser finished *who i had tracked down online at a local mall, and she gave me the best hair cut i have ever received in my entire life* at Zoe’s Hair & Day Salon at my local mall — so i thought i would throw this big change in here too with a photo to make this intro post a little bit more complete for this moment in my life
  *Ps I don’t have any good photos of myself yet with the cut, only a couple i took super quickly just to show the cut/& took them myself so don’t judge me TOO hard ;D *

*edit: switched from the Full Time Graphic & Web Design program last week to the part time Filmmaking program *i still love graphic & web design, but realized that for a permanent career film is the only thing I can do that I have & always will 110% love — i really really adore graphic & web design but realized that once i was in class/and was looking at it all from a corporate point of view/work point of view, i could barely make myself get out of bed to go to class every day because my passion vanished — so i will of course keep doing it for fun*<3