[I had heard it was good but only knew that Brad Pitt was in it.  Which is fine, i like him, good actor, but i don’t swoon over him or anything.  so it was on my ‘to watch’ list for months and months and months now]

But I was looking up Guy Ritchie’s past films last night, and realized he directed Snatch AND that frikkin Matthew Vaughn produced, so I immediately downloaded and loved it from the very beginning, seeing Jason Statham [i loved the short funny lines he had when talking to Stephen Graham], Stephen Graham, Benicio Del Toro, Jason Flemyng = fantastic movie

So here are some tidbits from the film that I snagged in screenshots,  and made a few gifs & graphics.
Enjoy 🙂
Ps: what do you think of the film??  Lemme know!  Comments welcome, always & forevaa. ❤

Click “READ MORE” to see the rest of the graphics & gifs.