Category: film stills

Filmmakers: Michael Bay – Director / Producer, Randall Wallace – Writer, Jerry Bruckheimer – Producer, John Schwartzman – Cinematographer, Hans Zimmer – Composer

Cast –

Ben Affleck … Capt. Rafe McCawley

Josh Hartnett … Capt. Danny Walker

Kate Beckinsale … Nurse Lt. Evelyn Johnson

William Lee Scott … Lt. Billy Thompson

Greg Zola … Lt. Anthony Fusco

Ewen Bremner … Lt. Red Winkle

Alec Baldwin … Lt. Col. James Doolittle

James King¹ … Nurse Betty Bayer

Catherine Kellner … Nurse Barbara

Jennifer Garner … Nurse Sandra

Jon Voight … President Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Cuba Gooding Jr. … Petty Officer Doris Miller

Michael Shannon … Lt. Gooz Wood

Focus Features – For Your Consideration – “Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy”

Tom Hardy 
Gary Oldman

Tom Hardy

Gary Oldman, John Hurt, Tomas Alfredson, & Hoyte Van Hoytema

Mark Strong

Svetlana Khodchenkova

Colin Firth

Svetlana Khodchenkova

Benedict Cumberbatch

I bow down to Rooney Mara.  She was exceptional.  Daniel Craig did a great job also along with the entire cast, but really..Rooney..WOW.  David Fincher, ya did it again!  Absolutely fantastic.
Both she and David really held their own in this film/and it REALLY showed onscreen.
I could go on forever about this, but anyways.
Just got onto IMDB and see that she’s #1 on the starmeter *which makes me happy, because I kept seeing Kristen Stewart up there for Twilight which was kind of annoying, so Rooney definitely deserves some fame over her performance as Lisbeth.  Daniel Craig & Rooney had great onscreen chemistry as well.

And David Fincher did a 100% unique/original version [in the creative way/without actually changing the story of course] of the first film — he did a superb job of keeping his own passionate style/and keeping the style very very different than the first film.

Applause to all of you.  ❤  I would basically give anything to have worked on this set, or Steve McQueen’s set, or Guy Richie’s…I just..agalkewhwl;ekh.
Anyways, congrats!  It was epic.

*And I also saw the first trailer for Prometheus while i was waiting to watch the ‘midnight’ showing of the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

“I chose not to choose life.  And the reasons?  There are no reasons.  Who  needs reasons when you’ve got Heroin?”

[click on each pic to see the full size photo.]

[Films I Want to See.] ❤
*Edit: Just saw Young Adult today! 12/16/2011*

Obviously, I want to see many.  I love film…
But, these two I have been HIGHLY anticipating the past few months^
I will absolutely be seeing Tinker on Dec 9 — kind of hope I get around to reading the book first over the next few days…<3
[ok, yes, I realize I’m only posting pics of one actor/Tom Hardy from TTSS, my apologies.  ]

Queen Theron & [awesome – ] director Jason Reitman ❤

I didn’t realize until last night that Elizabeth Reeser plays Buddy Slade’s [Patrick Wilson] wife — god, I am even MORE excited now.

I can’t get over this clip.  Ive watched it about 10 times in the past hour, and still laugh at everything Charlize does.

And these freaking kill me, too.


And just in case you haven’t seen the trailer:

[I had heard it was good but only knew that Brad Pitt was in it.  Which is fine, i like him, good actor, but i don’t swoon over him or anything.  so it was on my ‘to watch’ list for months and months and months now]

But I was looking up Guy Ritchie’s past films last night, and realized he directed Snatch AND that frikkin Matthew Vaughn produced, so I immediately downloaded and loved it from the very beginning, seeing Jason Statham [i loved the short funny lines he had when talking to Stephen Graham], Stephen Graham, Benicio Del Toro, Jason Flemyng = fantastic movie

So here are some tidbits from the film that I snagged in screenshots,  and made a few gifs & graphics.
Enjoy 🙂
Ps: what do you think of the film??  Lemme know!  Comments welcome, always & forevaa. ❤

Click “READ MORE” to see the rest of the graphics & gifs.

Click “Read More” to see the full post [HQ photos] 🙂

Just realized that I never made an appreciation post for the film “Drive” — and it has been weeks now since it was originally released/i saw it the night that it came out.  
And hereee…weeeee…go!
 [i know, thats a Joker quote, not related here, don’t judge.]
Click ‘Read More’ to see the full post 

Carey Mulligan
Albert Brooks

Ryan Gosling & [one of my all time favorite directors] Nicolas Winding Refn
Ryan Gosling
Carey Mulligan

Ryan Gosling

Ryan Gosling

Ryan Gosling
Carey Mulligan
Ryan Gosling
Ryan Gosling
Nicolas Wingding Refn
Ryan Gosling
Ryan Gosling & Bryan Cranston
Oscar Isaac
Christina Hendricks
Ron Perlman
Bryan Cranston
Ryan Gosling
Ryan Gosling
Ryan Gosling
Ryan Gosling & Carey Mulligan
Drive – 2011- Poster

Ron Perlman & Bryan Cranston

Just released film-stills of Michael Fassbender [& Carrie Mulligan, etc] in Steve McQueen’s Hunger
Oh god its going to be so good, i can’t even stand the wait.

photos are from

[click “Read More” to see the FULL set!] gah, enjoy! eka;htwelkhawlekt ❤

|| CLICK on each photo to view the FULL/original size/HQ photo || 😀

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