and absolutely everything & everyone included in the films thus far, INCLUDING the Dark Knight Rises *Tom Hardy became one of my all time favorite actors as soon as i saw Bronson back in 2009/had never heard of him before* and JGL, Anne Hathaway, Christian Bale *who i grew up watching his movies/was amazed by him as well* and Christ Nolan — well after seeing the Sherlock screening at midnight last night *it was awesome. absolutely great.  AWESOME. want to go back and rewatch.  Guy Richie , i want to kiss you.* Anyways, I saw the first FULL trailer for TDKR before Sherlock and it blew my mind with happiness, i didn’t even realize that i would be seeing it that night!!

So while we’re waiting for it to come out online in HD and on our tvs *the trailer i mean* i’m just going to be posting mad Batman related things 24/7 now. Bahah. ❤

  • Here are some gifs I made from the leaked trailer online/Vimeo: