Archive for January, 2012

Filmmakers: Michael Bay – Director / Producer, Randall Wallace – Writer, Jerry Bruckheimer – Producer, John Schwartzman – Cinematographer, Hans Zimmer – Composer

Cast –

Ben Affleck … Capt. Rafe McCawley

Josh Hartnett … Capt. Danny Walker

Kate Beckinsale … Nurse Lt. Evelyn Johnson

William Lee Scott … Lt. Billy Thompson

Greg Zola … Lt. Anthony Fusco

Ewen Bremner … Lt. Red Winkle

Alec Baldwin … Lt. Col. James Doolittle

James King¹ … Nurse Betty Bayer

Catherine Kellner … Nurse Barbara

Jennifer Garner … Nurse Sandra

Jon Voight … President Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Cuba Gooding Jr. … Petty Officer Doris Miller

Michael Shannon … Lt. Gooz Wood

Including: Claire Danes, Jessica Lange, Jean Dujardin, Michelle Williams, Viola Davis, Kate Beckinsale, Sofia Vergara, Charlize Theron, Busy Phillips, Berenice Bejo, Jordan Strauss,  Michel Hazanavicius, Thomas Langmann, Alexander Skarsgard, Malin Akerman, Madonna, Meryl Streep, Helen Mirren, Evan Rachel Wood, George Clooney & Stacy Keibler, Natasha Bedingfield, Cameron Diaz, Heidi Klum, Tilda Swinton, Elle MacPherson, the Hilton sisters, Lindsay Lohan,  

Nora Arnezeder, Annabelle Wallis, Nicole Richie

[click on the picture’s thumbnail to see the full-size photo.]  

Claire Danes

Claire Danes

Damian Lewis & Claire Danes 
Damian Lewis & Claire Danes

Claire Danes

Claire Danes
Jessica Lange & Claire Danes

The couple I’ll never get tired of seeing together.
Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt 
Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt

Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt

Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt

Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt

Angelina Jolie [beautiful!]

Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt

Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt

Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie
I wouldn’t have had any idea who she was about one year ago, but this past year my mom loved watching her show (she’s a sassy, funny, and really fantastic fashion designer) — and I adore her and her husband.

So browsing through the pictures from last night’s after party/mostly seeing Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, and then 25,000 people i’ve never heard of/were probably invited for the same reasons those two were — then I saw Rachel!  And had to make a post.  Because she looks so pretty/adorable in her pics, and I love her sassy facial expressions.


[click on the picture’s thumbnail to see the full-size photo.] 

Rachel Zoe

Rachel Zoe & Rodger Berman

Rachel Zoe & Rodger Berman

Rachel Zoe (beautiful eyes!)

Kelly Patricof, Jessica Alba & Rachel Zoe (^THAT is the sass that I love.)

Rachel Zoe & Rodger Berman (so cute!)

Rachel Zoe

Rachel Zoe (my favorite picture of her from the n ight/her gorgeous self  in this gorgeous gown.)
[click on the picture’s thumbnail to see the full-size photo.] 

{Not much more than what the trailers already show but thats ok…]

The Patriots have always been my team, but Tebow is my man.
Haha, I wish.  No but seriously, even though I was born and raised as a proud Patriots fan,
I still have a huge amount of respect for Tim, and am so excited to see everything that is going to unfold in his future.  You’re awesome, dude.  Keep being the amazing person you are!

Here are some pictures from tonight’s Denver vs New England game.
[click on the picture’s thumbnail to see the full-size photo.] 

It’s that time again.
 Time for a Music post again with my favorite yummy music.
Most of these tonight aren’t new / actually several years old, but they’re some of my all time favorites.  
I shall love them passionately forevahh.
Enjoy. xx  — s.h.

In case you’re a fan of Jack Kerouac, but haven’t kept up with the information regarding the recently made film adaptation of his book “On the Road”  [which stars some pretty amazing talent, including: Garrett Hedlund, Kristen Stewart, Sam Riley, Kirsten Dunst, Viggo Mortensen, Amy Adams, Tom Sturridge, Steve Buscemi, Terrence Howard, etc.]
Here are excerpts and screencaps of the
 NY Times Article by Scott James
Published: April 14, 2011


Read the rest here

                [click on the picture’s thumbnail to see the full-size photo.] 

Jessica Chastain & Emma Stone 
Leonardo Dicaprio

Michelle Williams

Michelle Williams

Emma Stone

Emma Stone

Emma Stone

Emma Stone

Leonardo Dicaprio

Leonardo Dicaprio

Leonardo Dicaprio

Melissa McCarthy

Viola Davis (beautiful acceptance speech/i was crying the whole time.)

Robin Wright

Jessica Chastain & Chloe Moretz

Michelle Williams (perfection)

Brad Pitt

Kirsten Dunst (so cute!)

Kirsten Dunst

Charlize Theron

Charlize Theron

Diane Kruger

Diane Kruger

Brad Pitt

Emma Stone

Leonardo Dicaprio & Martin Scorcese (  )

Jessica Chastain & Emma Stone (goddesses.)

Bob Dylan (I’m getting teary eyed over here)

Cast of THE HELP! 🙂
Chris Lowell