Archive for November, 2011

I FINALLY made a Drive fan video the other day to the song Nightcall [from the OST] , and of course, youtube deleted it…urgh…

so i shall post other videos related to Drive right now, since it is out of the theaters around my house/i’m going to have to wait until it comes out on dvd to get my fill of it again…for now these vids will have to do 😉

Nicolas Winding Refn became one of my favorite directors after Bronson came out [w/Tom Hardy] and I was introduced to both Nicolas and Tom, both blowing my mind — here is an interview just with Nicolas for Drive

AND HAD TO SAVE THE BEST FOR LAST, HERE IS the Moviefone [Unscripted] interview of Nicolas & Ryan — kills me every time.

[click on photo for the full size.] 

I would say that New Girl & American Horror Story are my favorite tv shows at the moment.  Since they are the only tv shows at the moment which i make sure that i keep up-to-date with [oh the Vamp Diaries too of course but unfortunately it has gone on a little hiatus at the moment]

So let me just put some visuals out there for why I love New Girl so much [Zooey Deschanel in general, and the rest of the cast as well]

Everything about this show is perfect.

Tron Legacy was on Starz today, this made me happy.  Then saw Mona Lisa’s Smile on tv as well, this also made me happy.  Then I napped,  ate a lot,  watched the newest American Horror Story, and have successfully avoided the parents to some degree. 😉
Hope you all have a great holiday *those of you that live in the US* otherwise, have a great day anyway.

they were fantastic. wow. 100x better live than their studio recordings *even though those are sweet as well.*
i tried to get as close to the stage as i could, but it was really dark so i don’t know if my video *i tried to record a couple of songs on my iPhone* came out at well, but hopefully a few glimpses of the lead singer came out because he was suuuuper awesome//into the//working the crowd — i actually really wish i had been able to meet them afterwards , he seems like a really interesting guy, but alas.  Maybe in another year or so if they tour again that soon.

Hopefully i shall have my video up soon.  Its 3:03AM. so tired. goodnight!<3

Ps, how were all of your weekends??  What did you do, ya little sassies?

Here are some songs that I have been listening to lately.  Enjoy 🙂

Remember in the beginning of 500 Days of Summer, when they mention that Summer’s [Zooey Deschanel] quote that she used under her yearbook picture were Belle and Sebastian lyrics? || “Color my life with the chaos of trouble.” ||
Well here’s the song.

[I had heard it was good but only knew that Brad Pitt was in it.  Which is fine, i like him, good actor, but i don’t swoon over him or anything.  so it was on my ‘to watch’ list for months and months and months now]

But I was looking up Guy Ritchie’s past films last night, and realized he directed Snatch AND that frikkin Matthew Vaughn produced, so I immediately downloaded and loved it from the very beginning, seeing Jason Statham [i loved the short funny lines he had when talking to Stephen Graham], Stephen Graham, Benicio Del Toro, Jason Flemyng = fantastic movie

So here are some tidbits from the film that I snagged in screenshots,  and made a few gifs & graphics.
Enjoy 🙂
Ps: what do you think of the film??  Lemme know!  Comments welcome, always & forevaa. ❤

Click “READ MORE” to see the rest of the graphics & gifs.

Malin Akerman & Carla Gugino looked too delicious in the movie & at the premieres (and every day of their lives in general.)–so, I thought they deserved a post.<3

Woo woo!  Finally has a rating.  *Even though we all knew that it would be NC-17*
AND a website.  Such a proud Fassy Fan.<3

Here [below] are both the new trailer & the new clip from Steve McQueen’s Shame
Here is the website

And also, some nomination-news in the below screencap *click on it to read the full article*

[my edits] ❤

click Read More to see the original photos