Archive for September, 2011

Yay!!  So excited…for this movie.  Really hope that I will be able to go to the NY Film Fest to watch ADM and Shame! 🙂

*Fassy is so adorable in the first.  I swear, if he walked into my room saying ‘I’m back!’ i would be jumping into his arms within .5 seconds of his arrival*


Just released film-stills of Michael Fassbender [& Carrie Mulligan, etc] in Steve McQueen’s Hunger
Oh god its going to be so good, i can’t even stand the wait.

photos are from

[click “Read More” to see the FULL set!] gah, enjoy! eka;htwelkhawlekt ❤

|| CLICK on each photo to view the FULL/original size/HQ photo || 😀

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I’ve made a bunch of screencaps from the Blu Ray of X-Men: First Class – Behind the Scenes footage — it was so amazing watching all the material, so i wanted to share a bit of it with you guys until you get to see it. ❤
There is a lot of footage, so I will be posting a few different times to get them all out on my blog, so here is what i’ve done so far — and will have the rest up tomorrow 🙂
Click on “Read More” Under the photo to view full album

The amazing cast of “A Dangerous Method” at the Venice Film Festival 🙂
Gah, what i wouldn’t give to be there!
Click ‘Read More’ to see all of the photos

Just read this muy interesante article online called 
“10 Unusual Fetishes That Some Call Sexy But I Call Yuck”
I, personally, find it EXTREMELY fascinating.  But then again i’m extremely fascinated with everything related to psychology/the human mind/etc, so…maybe its just me who loved reading this
But i did learn a few new words.
And was caught off-guard when i saw a word that seemed to label ME as well:
  • Gerontophilia: A sexual preference for someone who is older or even elderly.
    • and why does this concern me, you ask? 
    • THAT IS ALL.
  • No, but seriously…
  • ok so michael’s 15 years older than me, so does that mean i have a FETISH now? since that is a significant amount of years i guess *sigh* for an age difference…so we call this, gerontophilia?
    HILARIOUS — because i can totally see it, but ONLY with him.
    *i think my favorite is the licking of the eyeball though, either that or the diapers.
    ||*and if any of you guys actually really do deal with any of these i would absolutely love it if you messaged/or emailed me/etc and tell me about it — because i find these things [‘these things’ meaning anything psychology related and ESPECIALLY sexuality-related] insanely intriguing.  
    ❤ ❤

||A few delish songs ive been listening to randomly so far today:||

Otis Redding “Try a Little Tenderness”

Grace Slick/Jefferson Airplane “White Rabbit”

David Cassidy “I Think I Love You”

click ‘Read More’ for the rest ❤

Lykke Li – “I Follow Rivers”

[this one below is actually one i recorded/uploaded myself onto my youtube account..i absolutely love it..and this group in general…]
Acoustic || Foster the People “Pumped Up Kicks”

I Made a few screencaps from the trailers that have been released so far for A Dangerous Method *eeeek so excited…..gasppp…*  that have been released so far. ❤
Love the Fass<3

Click on ‘Read More’ to see the rest of the caps ❤ 

*oh dear lord, i just know i will be bawling at least ONCE while watching this film.  just seeing Fassy watery-eyed is enough to make me cry — WHAT IS LIFE * god but seriously, this film is going to be so….so…exquisitely painful. yes. such great director, such great actors, such great screenwriter, and based on two of the most interesting men who ever lived.

I can’t even contain my excitement.  I SO wish i had the funds to fly myself out to Venice or Toronto to see it 🙂 Ah…dreams.

So excited for this film, that i thought it was time to make a little appreciation post until more material is released 🙂
*and the second trailer/just released/included as well…*
Click ‘Read More’ to see the rest of the material ❤

Trailer #1:

Official screen captures:

Trailer #2: