Archive for July, 2011

just…had to make this one


so proud of him. just want to give him tons of hugs and kisses on the forehead.

[my gifs] ❤

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Here are parts of the article i clipped out that mention the info on his films being included for the Toronto Film Fest [ohhh, how i would absolutely die if i had a chance to be there]
Music docs on U2 and Pearl Jam
 and the latest offerings from David Cronenberg, Alexander Payne and
 Francis Ford Coppola are among titles set for the Toronto Film Festival, 
which will announce still more premieres next week.

Venice-bound pics receiving Gala North American preems include 
George Clooney-helmed presidential primary suspenser “The Ides of March” (Sony);
Toronto helmer Cronenberg’s Freud-vs.-Jung psychological thriller
 “A Dangerous Method” (Sony Pictures Classics); 
and Madonna’s romance-driven “W.E.” (TWC)

William Friedkin’s crime thriller “Killer Joe” will receive its
 North American preem in Special Presentations, as will
Ralph Fiennes’ “Coriolanus” (TWC), Todd Solondz’s “Dark Horse,” 
Lars von Trier’s “Melancholia” (Magnolia),
Steve McQueen’s “Shame,”

The festival runs Sept. 8-18 ….
my fangirl’ing response to this beautiful news:  steve mcqueen’s hunger was
 absolutely devastatingly good.  and michael did an absolutely breathtaking
 [and really painful emotionally to watch] performance in it, 
so i’m soooo pumped to see them collaborate again, this time for “Shame.”
The script sounds SO original, so interesting. 
[i could go on forever on this one but will save you the pain]

|| Steve Mcqueen = genius director ||
|| Michael Fassbender = genius actor ||

Fassy as Bobby Sands – Hunger]

And as for Cronenberg’s ‘A Dangerous Method’, oh god i cant even explain to you
 how intensely thrilled i am to see this.  I have always been intrigued by
 Freud/read his biographies/etc, and have [for a few years now] loved reading
 Carl Jung’s quotes/get so much inspiration from them and can totally connect
 to his logical and down-to-earth / brilliant insight – and i am so pleased
 to see Cronenberg [who is an absolutely AWESOME director;
 Eastern Promises…& Viggo Mortensen, always on point.  
 AND ALSO: Vincent Cassel…[who will be in A Dangerous Method as well] 
Dayyyum, son.  all these actors combined with the sexy devil and Keria Knightley,
  i get such major goosebumps just watching the trailer.
 — Freud [Viggo] ||Carl Jung [Michael]  || Sabrina Spielrein [Keira] —

And on top of that…Michael and Keiras romantic-scenes.
I think…i don’t even want to start talking about it because my body will be on fire for…ever.

IGN: James McAvoy was talking about Charles and Erik being like Martin Luther King and Malcolm X in their approach to the problem of humans and mutants living side-by-side – would you agree with that?
Fassbender: If that’s what he said, then yeah, I like it. That sounds good. It’s actually a good way to summarise it. But also, I think that Charles is just horny, and just trying to get laid. Throughout the film. He’s like ‘human beings are cool, give them a chance’ because he just wants to have human being sex. He doesn’t want to have mutant sex. Whereas Eric really gets off on mutant sex.

IGN: So is there any romance for Erik in this film?
Fassbender: You know, there are seeds of something there, but once again, he is so driven. He’s blinkered. It’s like, there is Shaw in his sights, and that is all he is really going for.

IGN: Was there a scene when you got the script that you were particularly excited to shoot?
Fassbender: For sure, but I don’t want to give too much of the story away. There were two scenes. One’s fairly early in the film, when you are introduced to him and he’s on this sort of hunt. He’s on a trail blaze of Nazi killing. He’s trying to tighten the screws to pinpoint where Shaw is.
IGN: Why is he after Shaw?
Fassbender: Shaw had him in these concentration camps and as we know, the Nazis were doing lots of experimentation – all sorts of things, like measuring skull and brain size and running experiments on human beings. So Shaw is trying to unleash this power in him – he’s recognized that he can manipulate metal and so we catch up with Erik on a quest to hunt him down.
IGN: So what should we expect from Kevin Bacon as Shaw?
Fassbender: You’ve got an actor who finds the truth in everything he does and has just a wealth of experience. I don’t know how many – 70-something films that he’s done, you know? It’s great to see that sort of person has survived in the business for so long and is really nice and easy to talk to and just wants to get the job done. Trying to find the truth in the scenes. Because that’s the thing – it is a fantastical world but you want the illusion, the bubble, to remain intact as much as it can. I don’t know if I’m explaining myself very well, but everything in the story is there for a reason. A component is not just there as filler – each thing is there to drive the next thing and interlink to maybe three scenes later. It’s just trying to find those things within a scene… we work through each scene and figure out if there are any weak points or things that we really like and need to accentuate. And with the relationship between Charles and Erik – how do you get the best juices out of that relationship?

Article source

Hayyyy dereeee; my name is Holly 🙂
I have a tumblr blog as well where i post my graphics/designs and a YouTube account that i post my videos onto
[I’ll include those soon.]

 This blog is going to be my personal blog filled with mainly rants and ramble jambles relating to

 the perfect human being || aka || Michael Fassbender.  
Now, without even getting to his films yet, just a really tiny/un-detailed and completely crappily written summary of his deliciousness :
– is adorable. and hilarious. and hilarious.  and super sweet.  and i find it SO attractive how dedicated/and passionate he is in playing his roles/and the work he does to prepare. Basically the perfect actor [ who i would only ever say, who compares to this, even though i Michael is definitely my favorite hands down…but others who are close to my heart from there incredible acting abilities//a few of my other all time favorite actors would be||  Daniel Day Lewis, Heath Ledger, James Dean, Tom Hardy, and a few others ill get into some other time.]  
-and deliciously sexy in appearance and personality [oh and every role he plays, even when he plays a total villain like Burke in Jonah Hex || Who by the way, was THE ONLY CHARACTER that Jonah Hex included who was absolutely fantastic in his performance.  Not even just that, but he was  100x better than every single thing in the movie ||ex: plot, special effects, other shatty things||  and was extremely sexy even as a ruthless killing machine with tattoos all over his neck and face…delicious! and hilarious. i actually laughed at the things he says/his lines, even though if anyone else ever said them who would try to play that role, oh god id hate that movie even MORE. but no, no.  with his fassy perfection pulled them off perfect, and he also made this character who seems like hes supposed to be just pretty gross in appearance/gruff/blah/doesn’t have ‘good’ looks, well michael my dear…you were a sexy beast ok.
– and i thought this of him when i saw it/it first came out, and i had no idea who Michael was in real life/what his name was] and basically every word that comes out of his mouth.  and this doesn’t even include the absolute yumminess of his accent, ok?   And every other accent he uses in his films.
Goodnight, you all.  Much loves.  I’ll get this blog rolling tomorrow/pretty pretty rad hopefully/and start putting up my Fassy -graphic design/fan videos/ screencaps[with quotes included]/gifs/etc
Night nights